heartbeats's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

~ Myspace survey ~

survey copied from: Ryan™

1. Spell your first name backwards? eivets
2. Story behind your myspace display name? https://youtu.be/pPD8Ja64mRU?si=eaZiW1TYQDQ5V7kZ
3. What month were you born in? September
4. Where do you live? Indiana


6. Toothbrush? purple
7. Jewellery worn daily? facial jewelry
8. Pillow cover right now? black and soft!
9. Underwear? pink boy shorts
10. Best Friend? angelic<3
12. Favorite t- shirt? right now it's my newest Devo shirt :))
13. Cologne/Perfume? britney spears curious or sweet pea spray
14. CD in stereo? i think alanis morissette is still in my cars radio lol
15. Piercings? both ears and both nostrils


16. Wearing now?
black tank top and black jeans with my skull slippers lmao
17. Wishing for? mental stability or better yet some actual good change come from our next presidential election... (a girl can dream, right?)
18. Wanting? an iced coffee
20. Something you are deathly afraid of? guns:/
21. Do you like candles? loooove candles, but i use incense more
22. Do you like the taste of blood? no thank youuu
23. Do you believe in love? yes
25. Do you believe in God?no
26. What’s something you wish you could understand better? my mother


31. Where is your favorite place to shop?
faes cabinet
32. What is your favorite thing to wear? cardigans
33. What is a must have accessory? my bag
34. How much is the most you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item? maybe 100$ (help me, i'm poor)
35. Who is the least fashionable person/people you know? my partner smh
36. Do you match your belt with your hair color? i don't wear belts often or really care about matching tbh
37. How many pairs of shoes do you own? six
38. What is the worst trend you see today? idk i'm old i don't pay attention to trends


39. Do you do drugs? just smoke good ol' mary jane
40. What kind of soap do you use? hand soap?? rn bath and body works because it was gifted to me
41.What are you listening to right now? chappel roan
42. Who was the last person that called you? a customer
43. Where do you want to get married? no marriage
44. How many buddies are online right now? An should make that happen here!
45. What are essentials in your life? music, animals, sleep
46. Do you send out holiday cards each year? nope
47. Hair right now? black:)
49. When was the last time you got a sunburn? this summer
51. Things that drive you crazy?
52. Do you think you are a good driver? YES, just dont ask the curb in front of my house
53. Who did you last text message? mi madre
54. Where are you right now? at my computer desk


9 Kudos


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benny // whalefall

benny // whalefall's profile picture

i'm also gonna do this survey, and this earned you a friend request 'cause we got stuff in common

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eyyyy!! i look forward to reading it:)

by heartbeats; ; Report

posted :>

by benny // whalefall; ; Report

Jon 🐇

Jon 🐇's profile picture

my toothbrush is black :D

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WOOO goth jon! xD

by heartbeats; ; Report


by Jon 🐇; ; Report