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Category: Games

easy guide to losing! MW2 (2009)

hello friends

i cant express how much concern i have for this blog topic today..


lose (verb) ; 1. (Verb) Suffering, resulting in, or relating to defeat in a game or contest.

it seems that every time i log onto iw4x servers.. i always seem to stomp out other players, this infuriated me so i brought it upon myself to make this amazing guide on how to lose as fast as possible!

step 1; setting up your class.

smgs are the lightest, same with pistols so run either or. use marathon, lightweight, and sitrep. this will allow you to find enemies faster and you will die to them quicker.

step 2; the method.

your main method of losing in modern warfare 2 will be using the perks i selected for you above to run at the enemy as fast as possible, subsequently dying to them after they gun you down.

step 3; troubleshooting & potential problems

a problem you may run into regarding losing in mw2 is person(s) called "pacifists". these people will probably observe you as you run towards them, not firing, and enjoying your presence. 

to troubleshoot this, pull out a grenade, or any lethal capable of blowing you up, and promptly use it/place it on the ground and dispose of yourself.

final remarks

i hope you all enjoy this guide on losing, now get out there, and start running!! 


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