Japan is one of the hot spots for modern psychobilly recording against most of Western Europe and the US. I really love the way they perform, usually in some strange costumes that hook you instantly. It may just be a general appreciation for Japan, but I admire the dedication to the look, speed, and sound produced out of this country. All of these can be found on YouTube and Spotify (and probably anything else), so there's no harm in checking them out and finding a new favorite.
1. The Radios- Victims of the Radios (2021, Thousands Records)
Japanese rockabilly and psychobilly is something very sentimental to me. I love the hyperbolic forms of both style and music that the Japanese bring to the table, really making all of us psychobillies step up a little. In that, you'll never see a platform-wearing, hunched over, grey-faced giant on an upright bass besides in The Radios. They have such a great rock'n'roll-infused sound while maintaining a swampy aura around each note they play. They've managed to play some major fests over the past couple of years and you can check out these horrific abominations for yourself.
2.Free Charge- Front and Back (2022, self-released)
Haunting guitar run over standard gallops is something standout on this EP. I don’t know what kind of effects the guitarist is using but it manages a really great balance of creepy highs and heavy power-chord hits. The vocals are nothing to scoff at either; guttural lows with nice layering underneath, giving it an ethereal vibe matching the rest of the band. This is a hot record with no skips (on only 4 songs), ready to slow down and hit you in the face with insane stomping parts that are really something!
3. SPIKE- Weird of The Best 25th. Anniversary (2015, Diskunion)
I feel like I NEED to talk about these guys, as they just opened for all shows on original UK psychos, The Meteors’, Japan Tour. Their anniversary best of compiles all the best from the band with no fat. This is mid-tempo psychobilly at its finest, colliding rock n roll with the hard rhythms of psychobilly. It is insanely danceable, with grooving guitar and bass and a nice crashing shuffle on the drums. Don’t put them down until you finish it and then get hooked on Japanese psychobilly like I did, good luck.
I think I'll stick to reviewing 3 albums per post cause this Dogwolf does have other things to do than write about her favorite bands and listen to new music (although not much lol). I hope you guys dig it and start loving a genre I've loved for a good minute.
Take it easy :3
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