I started school this monday,, after like a half year long break.
It's, um, going? I guess. I am very tired because i kinda have trouble sleeping and it's a new regime for me so that makes it even worse. Could be worse though. I don't really have any new friends, although, today i managed to talk to some classmates because of various activities so that's some progress. Can't really comment on the classes yet because it's too early to tell, but i am not exactly ecstatic. It's gonna be a sloow~ burn this year - the academic year i mean. I keep a tight grip on myself and study a bunch and it's going to be fine. Hopefully
I had to speak to all my classmates to introduce myself today and while i'd usually be dying with anxiety it was really fine today - i even spoke when i didn't have to. Social progress? Or maybe I was just too tired to be bothered by that
Oh yeah today i had to do a sort of swimming test,, for PE.. We had to swim a 100 meters under 3 minutes and if we didn't we'd have to go to swimming lessons instead of the sport we chose for PE. I was really worried about it because it was really early(I had to wake up at 05:40) and I am NOT a good swimmer, i have never actually learned how to properly swim. In the end I managed to get under 3 minutes(yay) but i lost one of my earrings(i have no idea where it probably got lost in the dressing room, ):)(i am getting new ones though so it's fine)

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