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Category: Art and Photography

SKN's Modrinth Hub

Welcome to SKN's Minecraft Stuff Hub!

I wanted to make a little hub for my resource packs, but I didn't feel like making a wiki sort of thing. I've been getting into spacehey for a while, so I decided to make something on here. I also need to get in the habit of writing stuff in code, so I'm starting with some HTML stuff.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment on this post.

Table of Contents

  1. Resource Packs

    1. SKN's Loopy Ores
    2. SKN's Distinguished Tools
    3. SKN's Topsy Fixes
    4. SKN's Sensible Gadgets
  2. Mods

    1. Nothing here yet

Resource Packs

SKN's Loopy Ores

SKN's Loopy Ores

I've been thinking of making a CIT or something with it, but idk how to work with CIT.

SKN's Distinguished Tools

SKN's Distinguished Tools

This pack made me think abt Bare Bones variations for all my cool packs. (not Sensible Gadgets bc that thing is just some low-effort recolors, you could probably forward them to VanillaTweaks)

SKN's Topsy Fixes

SKN's Topsy Fixes

My most vanilla pack. It looks like I just sorta pasted vanilla ore textures on deepslate top textures, but there was slightly more effort than that. I added little divots or smt to make the ores blend into the stone better. I did the same thing with Loopy Ores.

SKN's Sensible Gadgets

SKN's Sensible Gadgets

Honestly, I'm not proud of this pack. It was practically a recolor from the beginning. Sure, it's got its niche, but this feels too small to me to matter. It was supposed to come alongside the Distinguished Tools pack as a sort of DLC, but I added it wrong, so I removed it from future releases. Now, it is its own standalone modrinth page.


Sorry, there's nothing here right now. Honestly, idk how to program mods, and even if I did, I've got no unique ideas for making them.

All elements are parody of or are originally from the Modrinth website. If there is a problem with anything that I'm using, please let me know via discord DM's. (my tag is on my spacehey profile)

2 Kudos


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