Hello Spacehey friends! This is the platform where it feels most appropriate to say 'friends' because we are all mutuals and I think, that's one of the best things about Spacehey. I really like the idea of friends vs 'followers'. Anyway! I'd like to know more about you all, so I'll share something about myself here and please feel free to share anything you would like about yourself in the comments!
How I found spacehey
I found spacehey through one of the YouTubers I'm subscribed to (Toxic Tears) in 2020. I made a few videos on YouTube about it that did pretty decently! It sounds like I was able to help a good amount of people figure some of the coding stuff out. I didn't keep up with spacehey though. Life has been pretty difficult and chaotic for a while so spacehey was just one more thing I didn't have time for for a while. I'm coming back to spacehey because I really like a lot of things about this site and it's not so bland like other social media sites. I decided to host a challenge to see if interaction can feel different when you engage with your friends on the site more often (I'm sure it does).
I just turned 35
I just turned 35 a few months ago. I really don't feel 35. I don't think there is a way to feel 35 but I honestly sometimes still feel like I'm 12 because I'll still crack up at spongebob and I care more about having fun in life than I do about having kids of my own (which is why I don't have kids). I worked service industries, non-profits, and tech companies but I really want to get into a Mental Health field to help other people the way some of my therapists have been able to help me. I'm also interested in creative and entertainment fields but honestly who isn't? Who doesn't want a job that seems fun?! If I have to do something to get paid, I'd prefer to have fun while I'm doing it. Fun is relative for us all. I think therapy would be a blast with purpose (to get you through the hard stuff). I love listening to people and I love seeing people grow even more! I'm kind of in a transition period in life I think. It's not a mid-life crisis because I've been stuck in an existential crisis since I was about 18, I think I'm finding my peace so now it's more of a transitional experience rather than a crisis. I just hope I find my way and can enjoy life a bit more before my time comes to leave this earth.
I'm looking forward to the future
I've struggled A LOT with depression. Yet, through all of the most difficult times, I have always had faith things could get better. Now, I'm determined to MAKE THEM better - no matter what. I don't know what switch flipped in me, but it really sunk in - no one is coming to save me. There may not be a magic wand moment where the conditions are right for me to have all the time in the world to do what I want - SO I MUST MAKE TIME! I get it, now. I didn't get it for a long time because I'm always so exahusted and don't have energy for anything. But no one is coming to save me - I have to make the time to save myself or keep living a life that doesn't feel worth living most of the time.
I'm sorry if that is too deep or too dark - but just really what I've been feeling lately. Now please, tell me something about you :) ♥
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I am 32 years old creepy, spooky Latina from LA. My mission is to start my own coven of witches, vampires and we all sip tea with tarot and worship cats.LMAO. I heard of spacehey and just so happens that when I felt lost of how to “make my profile look cool” I came across your video on YouTube at the time I was watching another video from another person I follow. Shout out to Victoria Fashen!! And the rest is history lol.
I have struggled with depression since I was pretty young and being an only child doesn’t help therefore many times I looked for things to help me cope with depression and the bullying I suffered at school. I have had my share of traumas and I have found that speaking them and acknowledging them lifts a huge weight off my chest. Back in the 2000s when MySpace started it helped me get out of my comfort zone however, without the knowledge of the dangers of the internet I was pretty lucky I didn’t meet people with malicious intentions.
Today I am looking forward to meet people my age and just have real connections just like we all did before IG and all the new stuff kids have today. In my opinion I feel like it was more humble and it showed more of our personalities unlike today it’s all about “Follow me on IG/Tiktok…etc”. For the future I hope I meet my twin flame and after many years of saying “I don’t want kids” now I want to one day be a mom. (Well I am a mom of two cats lol).
For 2025 I hope I can make more connections with others that share similar beliefs, styles and music taste. Hope to finish school and become an RN and help those in need specially in mental health.
I guess that’s all I can think of now? Any preguntas just ask I guess lol
Mimzy :D
benny // whalefall
i'm an artist n writer. there's not a lot i like to share about myself that isn't already on my profile
Thanks for sharing here anyway!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
I feel the existential crisis since 18 thing deeply, also the not having kids and wanting to have fun w/ life yourself thing... I hit a point where I thought maybe kids would be cool but I never wanted em so I didn't get myself to a place it seemed... good for. So I just don't have them and feel I am able to do more for myself.
I would love to have a job im happier with I too am in the service industry. Awesome you shared this post as well! It deserves to be seen. Very deep and well thought out.
Aww thank you! And thank you for sharing!

As much as it makes me sad (for them) when people can relate to me it's also validating and good to know! The existential crisis thing can be so difficult, but I'm glad you were able to face some of these issues like having kids and come up with your own conclusions that work best for you. I feel feel exactly the same! There's a small chance I might change my mind while I still have time but I doubt it!
Cheers and I hope we both find jobs we enjoy more in the near future!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Right I'm glad we as humans can connect on a "feel you" level even tho sometimes I wouldn't wish it on others. For a min there, work was getting hard even. Doing a bit better now trying to stay creative. Working on a IG Drawloween challenge by the artist Mab Graves on insta. She had been doing this for years I seen her work even places like hot topic I think! Pretty spooky alternative vibes. Been keeping me busy so far between work, this challenge, and drawloween to not get toooo existential the last few days thankfully hehe. I always need a project, I find thst helps me! Also working on a doll that i will be posting on youtube although it's spooky and fake blood n gore so I'm worried it might scare or trigger people these days even tho I love it. Thank YOU for sharing also! Glad to find some people to chat with here. Hope you're having a good day and night. <3
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
That's so cool! Definitely sounds like a busy October and cool challenge on Instagram! I know what you mean about being afraid to trigger people. I think as long as you give them some warning before you show it it's totally okay - you gave the information so that's all you can do, it's up to them if they want to watch it. I'll keep a look out for your video!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Thanks for staying tuned! I'm looking forward to your new videos, also! And loving this challenge keeping me on here daily haha. Came back to lots more interaction during this challenge! Adds, profile comment and bulletin replies first time in a min haha hurrah
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
YAY! Me too! it feels more purposeful and I feel like I'm learning to use spacehey in a way that is meaninful as well - just about connecting! I'm glad I'm not the only one! :) *cheers to us and our future creations!*
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Heck ya Jasmine! Are you working on anything else creative this spooky season besides the Space Hey challenge?
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
YES! I have to check out your Ig btw so I can see your drawing challenge :). Mostly just videos, and trying to somewhat decorate for halloween (I can't go crazy spending on decorations but I want some intentional curated pieces). Also I have to figure out how to build some coffin boxes! That's going to be a big one! Haha how about you? You already sound like you're doing a lot!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Working on a custom doll and the art! Haven't gotten motivation to get out any decor yet sadly but hoping to! I love spooky season! Watched og nightmare on elm as well as the 2010 tonite
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
YES! Spooky season is still young and there is definitely still time to decorate! :) Nice I've been wanting to watch more horror movies too. I'm trying to get through all the leprechaun movies haha - old classics!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Oh wow I've actually never seen those! Now I too have something to look into!
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
i've been in an existential crisis since i was a kid. idek, maybe it started when i was 10, or even younger. younger
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
Awww that's rough! I hope you can find some peace!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
thanks. you too
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
Literally feel that, Benny. I'm kinda struggling with society rn. And the fact we damn near have to be a part of it to live. People decide they wanna be nurses but for the most part are not even passionate about people nor helping people (maybe that's even a judgement on my part, but those around me arent anyways..) is it just a money grab? Do people decide because they know they will get a job? Are they still trying to please there parents because (i don't have real blood siblings but kinda assuming this is how it can be) i see a parent praising one child who's now going to become a nurse but still asking the one who cleans carpets "what he's going to do with his life" t 31
I feel bad to watch ot go on and almost feel looked down upon in my own way because I just serve food. Even tho the reality is on paper I make more than alot of my friends who DID get adegree, because of the tips factored in daily. In fact I have TWO college graduate certifications I decided not to use because I went for Cosmetology (and love doing extensions dreads and wild colors) and photography (i didn't wanna do weddings or senior photos) choices, and excuses i know. But I want3d to EXPRESS MYSELF. Which society wants you to do the opposite, granted it's getting way better now. 10 years ago , no where would hire me so I took out a ton of piercings, let my natural color come thru. Now I'm a shift lead at a local sports bar that's huge, with pink and blue hair, coontails, a septum and cheek piercings. It's progress for sure, yes. I am able to do winged eyeliner and have somewhat a sense of "me" sorry for rambling at this point I'm trying to wonder where I'm even going with this vent session but thanks for listening. If you've read this far and have struggled with this too, I see you, I get it.... I would love to go back to a rennaiasance period where we all have a task basically. And look flamboyant lmfao. Like one of us would be good at sewing and trade that skill for someone who's good at art and fill the world with beauty and at night we'd hold concerts lmfaoooo I'm sure shit was effed than too
. Disease, etc. But sounds more pleasant IN THEORY than this rat race. Probably TMI at this point but my account went negative due to an afterpayment and disney plus. And I work damn near 6 days a week. I have a bit of a shopping problem now that I'm not drinking but christ, literally living day to day with $ for a life I'm not even happy with. Not expecting much out of posting this but if any9ne wants to banter or even reads any part of this, I appreciate it. I spend time looking forward 5o being off and than waste my time at home worried about what I SHOULD be doing. I wanna do music but don't have courage or motivation. I've made myself do art daily again, it's a start.
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
i think doing art daily, or at least consistently, is cool. and i don't have enough energy to send as long of a reply as you sent me, but i will say,...all that's why i'm anti-capitalist. the world, society, doesn't have to be like this
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
I totally agree! This system has so many of us living in existential dread!
and Barbie, I'm so sorry you are feeling that way! Unfortunately I feel similarly right now so I can totally empathize and it sucks! That feeling of I'm working so much and for what? To live a life I'm not even enjoying?! Totally sucks! I'm glad you have been forcing yourself to do art daily though - that is something!
I try to tell myself the same type of things - like I NEED to sing and dance most days but then I don't actually give myself the space to do that and it's not like it takes up much space I can sing and dance while doing other things but for some reason I don't. I guess I get in the habit of watching things and don't listen to music enough lately. I am happier when I do but I get so stuck watching content I forget to pause and listen to music.
Anyway - sometimes the little things make a difference. I go back and forth between feeling like "dam it I'm going to be joyful because that is resistance" and being depressed out of my mind!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Omg LITERALLY!!! I wanna create music. So why the f am I not creating music?! The thought scares me. I can sing just fine to other shit but making my own melody I'm lost. I hum it just fine at work come home and am scared to sing or literally don't give myself time to try to better this skill or craft. Yes glad and proud I've been forcing myself on the art. Sad someone else is feeling all of this dread but glad to know I'm not alone. Truly hope you all are OK it's been rough to get out of for me
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
I totally understand!
and thank you! Too bad we can't jam together /create a safe jam space - sometimes it's harder in front of others but sometimes it's easier - it depends on the people! Maybe we should work on something together! I've been wanting to make music too, but also just haven't had the will, time, or energy but it is something I've been wanting to do!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
That sounds like a neat idea <3 we should get contacts like insta or snap outside of here or just message me here <3
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
the one good thing about, like, constant production of endless shit is. sometimes cool stuff actually does happen. like we probably have the tech (software, equipment) by now to create an online jam space
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
So true and such a fun good way to look at it <__<
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report
OMG RIGHT!? That's a good point, I wonder what the best online jam space looks like!
by Cryptic Jasmine; ; Report
Right and how haha
by DARK BARBiE; ; Report