term 3 ended on the friday that just passed and now its spring holidays. 2 weeks off school is absolutely not enough recovery time but we ball ig -_- the worst part of the holidays is when before they start, ur making all these fan as hell plans with ur friends to hang out n shit but the next thing you know, its nearly the end of the first week and you have done nothing but stayed home, done chores around your house and bed rotted. its not like its the worst thing ever, nothing wrong with binging skins, spamming my insta story, grinding on guitar and avoiding snapping back people, it just sucks seeing your "friends" going out every single day without a single invite whatsoever. it doesnt help that two of my closest friends arent in the same area as me rn either (one is on a camping trip and the other is in another state).
but im trying to get out of my house, or get ppl to get out of theirs ig. im trying to have my best friend go to the mall with me and then sleepover at mine next week, but in reality shez probably just gonna end up hanging out at mine for the day and then heading home (which i dont rlly mind either). i also asked my close friend (whom i also have the "major jones" for) to hang out at mine, just to bake and watch movies cuz ik she gets a little sad in the holidays. ik she appreciated the thought tho cuz she said she rlly needed it and she was happy i asked or smth. but im rlly hoping to hang out with my friend from another school this holidays. she plays bass and she likes a lot of stuff that i like so im hoping we can catch up, jam and binge a movie or two (shout out to erin btw, tell me when ur free baka).
hopefully these holidays turn out alright. plus really hoping i can see my friend group cuz i could rlly go for a sesh or even just a cig rn. its probably just cuz im having too much time with my mom rn, im getting rlly fed up with her.
just praying it all works out ig, hope it does 4 u too. xo rob
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are u from like africa or something
nah australia
by MALAKAI; ; Report