(i may or may not be writing this in one of my lessons :3c)
does anybody else here have Teddy Together on the 3ds?? i haven't seen any posts about it and it is Such a cute game.. ive been playing it so much recently and i Need to talk to other people about it ..
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Oliver Espinoza
I didn't knew about this game before, I just watched the trailer and I was increasingly excited as they showed features like asking questions, levelling up friendship and dressing, hahah! I must play it! I guess it just may be an obscure game to come across ^^
it is a bit of an obscure game by 3ds standards but it was still on the Hshop at least! unfortunately the cat counterpart of it never got an official english translation on the 3ds.. also the soundtracks for both of these games are all on Spotify and they are so nice to listen to in the background while doing work :33
by Trix (¬_¬"); ; Report
Its so odd the cat counterpart wasn't localized! I think cats are way more popular than bears here so I don't get it, hahah! Its so cute too! Watching this made me giggle throughout seeing the expressions the cat makes ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRB7gNZXqOQ And yes! The music I've heard so far is so relaxing and cozy! I love it! ^^
by Oliver Espinoza; ; Report