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Category: Life


yknow im not gonna pretend that ive never wished to live in the past cuz ofc i did


the more i get immersed in past decades and subcultures, the more im GLAD i was born in the late 2000s bcuz...

to be a teen? in the 2020s? thats probably (i say probably cuz there are MAJOR problems today as well) the best time to be alive as a young, not straight person

i am very into the music, technology n style of the 90s-2000s (could you tell lol)

and sometimes i do sooooo wish i could go back to experience just like one day of what typical life (in terms of white cis middle class) was like back then

its like nostalgia for a time i didnt even exist in yet and the little remnants i do remember (like cd's or giant boxy TVs) amp up that bittersweetness even more yknow?

however then i turn to my music idols who were alive back then and i hear them talk about how hard it was and how the majority of ppl were intolerant or straight up hateful to anyone who didnt fit 'the norm'

(like at the wwwy festival when mcr performed in horrifying wrinkly prosthetics as a way of satirizing what they wouldve looked like if they only held onto their past era of fame [and all the interviews where gerard specifically mentioned their substance abuse issues], or when hayley williams spoke ab how the 2000s punk/emo/alt scene was NOT all that friendly to poc, queer, disabled ppl or just WOMEN)

so now whenever i get that 'ohhhh i wish i was born in ___ so i couldve experienced ___' i remind myself that the present is (mostly) the best time to do and be interested in anything i want without the stigma of the 2000s

thanks for listening to my ted talk

2 Kudos


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