VVawliet's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

8 months in spacehey!

So, I've been at spacehey for 8 months now. I really like the way my account looks, I edited it perfectly for myself. I don't like all the accounts on this site, but many are really good

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Jan Oparanozie

Jan Oparanozie's profile picture

your profile looks very nice! Could you give some recommendations regarding spacehey customization?

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Of course! I set up the background myself and changed every color and transparency of the icons on my page. If you don't know HTML and CSS, then you can go to the Layouts tab and take a template that you like. Then you have to go to your page settings and paste the copied layout code into any free space, for example, just paste the code into the about yourself section, and it will work! You can alter the code itself to suit yourself, for example, find a place in the code that is responsible for the color of the profile header (for example) and change the color by putting another color from the RGB palette. And so just fantasize about what kind of profile you want to have

by VVawliet; ; Report