Good morning, afternoon, or evening lovely people of Spacehey!
Today I bring another entry in my blog to get to know me!! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Today I bring the topic: I am shy, but at the same time I am not
This is concentrated in this way: man, I am someone super shy with strangers, if you try to talk to me by private message, you will realize that it is hard for me to bring up conversation topics and I will probably only ask typical things like movies, music, hobbies etc...sorry for that ;-;
Technically my personality is ENTP, I am someone more social in person according to my friends from high school, that is why I preferred to talk about this here, in case you see me very shy towards you when you talk to me, that is another topic! If you liked my profile or you like it, write me first please, I am embarrassed to do it first! (ᅌᴗᅌ* )
I would like to talk to all of you and bombard my notifications with messages but I mostly get shy when talking to someone new
I just wanted to say that, I'll probably be back with a new blog in a few days, I'm really abusing these blogs but they are a kind of outlet for me from my reality, I hope that doesn't bother you, bye loves!! ´ ▽ ` )ノ
song of the day:
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omg hiii i totally relate... ! it's so awkward getting to know people for the first time cause idk what they're into yet and how to act around them, but when im comfy im super energetic and just start yappin' and talkin' about whatever... =w=
(i think i usually test enfp for personality quizzes)
omggg hi there! I appreciate your comment, I know it's difficult but we know that with time, we open up more to people! XOXOXO for you ;3
by jackiee!!; ; Report
by sedentarily; ; Report