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Category: Life

out of the loop

I am staring to hate the internet.
I am starting to hate my phone.
Even YouTube is starting to feel pointless.

I don't use Instagram
I don't use Twitter
I don't use TikTok
I don't use Spotify
I sometimes go on Pinterest for drawing references

Have been off YouTube for a while too and I haven't opened Discord in a while

I don't miss any of it. No one needs any of it. I am starting to become more isolated though.
Though SpaceHey I have more online friends than ever and I am glad this is the case, but SpaceHey isn't exactly the platform for staying in the loop. It's my own little world.

People talk about fomo(fear of missing out) and i have seen people talk about "the joy of missing out" and I totally relate. Even though I am far from living a healthy life, I am more down to earth and balanced when I am away from my screen. It nearly feels powerful to not be in the loop because I know that everyone is wasting their time with scrolling. Its doing nothing for you. Looking up tutorials is a different thing. 

Recently I have felt like some people are waking up from the brain rotting but it could just be my surrounding. I do still hope that more people learn to live without 4 hours Tiktok or Instagram.
In the end I don't have control over what others do and it's none of my business. I understand that I can be different in ways and if everyone wants to rot, then I'm just glad that I have a choice.

My only issue currently is my laptop screen time. I am trying to find new things to put on my page constantly, and I'm trying to learn new things. This is how my brain works. I need some topic to hold on to, to learn, to deep dive into. 

Don't even know who I'm telling this, but it feels nice and rewarding to not know what's going on in the loop. Heck, I get most of my knowledge from my dad and a website that is reminiscent of a long "dead" social media platform(MySpace!).

Do what you want with it. 

13 Kudos


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Lillllllllllllllllllllith's profile picture

Why cut Spotify?

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First of all I never really used Spotify. Then the way I find music is mostly through youtube and friends. I also don't like the app design and I just find Spotify hard to navigate. I listen to mostly albums so it's more comfortable to me when I have them directly on my phone and I don't need to subscribe to a service to listen to it everywhere. So I just kind of never was in that Spotify flow and I don't plan on it. Sorry for late and long answer. Don't mean to sound cocky if I do.

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

Digital Cheese

Digital Cheese's profile picture

The more I learn how a lot of the technology works and the more it gets annoying to use, the more and more I just leave it. Honestly, deleting social-media entirely is probably best for like 90% of people. It literally serves 0 purpose that could not be replaced with email, XMPP, and mumble all of which are way better alternatives to most of the issues. I may just clear most websites in general that I have sitting around except for my personal website, my SpaceHey, and a small few other websites I care about like Agora. Otherwise idk, maybe I will move onto a farm too while I'm at it.

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Haha yea I deleted YouTube from my phone a while ago so that I couldn't watch shorts anymore and it was the right decision. Always had phantasies about moving away from society too. I don't think it will happen cause I need to stay connected, for my own wellbeing.
I am starting to find interest in the personal web. It's not me going off of social media, but it's less toxic and more free!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

In my case, I will almost certainly move into the middle of nowhere and wall off all of my land heavily. If I need to bring the monetary equivalent of 100lb of gold to get an 8x8 acre property with a 7ft brick-wall, a gate, and a house + pond, then that I will figure out so I can avoid people. If I have to live in a seemingly uncivilized way, then damn it it's the 1500s for me again, technologically anyways.

To be honest, I might just straight up delete all of my social-media accounts. On one hand, I still could see some use from them, but on the other hand, they just keep going downhill. It's mainly YouTube, Twitter, and DeviantArt. I guess you could count GitHub and Rumble too. I technically have Discord, but only until I can get everyone on XMPP, and Kick only because im having troubles deleting the account. Otherwise, it's sites like these, forums, email+xmpp, irc, and mumble, the occasional fediverse posting too. Although I don't use them much at all anyways. Sometimes I will go days at a time without checking them, and that's despite being terminally online elsewhere so yea idk. Very tempting to delete, may actually follow through one day.

I will just have to see what I need to clear and what I need to keep for now, then eventually, just delete it all entirely. Maybe while I am at it, I will go through the other small websites I have, but many of them I would rather just leave up if I have accounts still, so it would have to be on a per-site basis rather than an overall sweep-delete of accounts with intents to move most things onto my website(s).

by Digital Cheese; ; Report

Go for it! No one is forced to be on any platforms even though it sometimes feels like it.

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report

I probably will XD. It is mainly bc I can't get all of my frens off of it, although as I slowly become otherwise independent, it should be easier to justify just going almost fully off it all.

by Digital Cheese; ; Report

Statiscit 🍉

Statiscit 🍉's profile picture

The existence of trends and memes that constantly change and become out of date every other day is exhausting, I don’t use Tiktok too often anymore and I’ve never had an Instagram acc (although I’ve been thinking about it) so most of the time I get my online news from Twitter or Reddit but out of all I believe I spend the most time on places like Pinterest and Youtube which has a slightly different concept of scroll culture compared to the others

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It's true, Pinterest doesn't keep me scrolling. I just drop by when I don't have anything else to do, look at a few pics, and leave. I do personally can spend a lot of time on YouTube, but I also look up a lot of tutorials. Keeping up with the trend is hard even when you are actively using social media so why make an afford?

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report


Chintoes's profile picture

You should start watching the talk tuah podcast bro

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Thanks for the rec!

by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report