Sorry for dissapearing out of nowhere, i lost interest on the site n felt it was kinda dumb to write if noone was gonna read it,,, but i'm back like the idiot i am :3
life's been basically the same as the last time i logged in, nothing really got better ig?? ive been doing kinda the same all day lately though.. like, ive been skipping school, sleeping all day n playing games :P typing this makes me feel kinda pathetic but i guess i am(?)
i miss my friends a bit, i mean, i saw them yesterday at school since i had the balls to go after two weeks of skipping but still i feel like a terrible friend after not seeing them nor texting them at all for so long
i dont really feel like going to school, i dont even feel like even moving from bed or talking to anyone, but i gotta do stuff so i dont fall into a deep dumb depression or something :PP
in other news, my latest music obsession is soundgarden (even though i think i mentioned it in my profile),, GOSH theyre so good istg,,
each time i see chris in a mv or picture (specially with long hair) i think "man, i wish i could look like him,," WERIGHUVEMHNGDH UOTEOUGOJHCRIMOGJF IVB i love him so much,,7
anyways, enough cringy ranting for today, i think im not even gonna grammar check this cuz im gonna cringe n delete it or something
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It doesn’t get better, you just gotta thug it out 💯
by weirdo; ; Report
Hell yeah, hope nothing but the best for you big dawg👅
by Chintoes; ; Report
same for you sonic with his dogs out👅👅‼️‼️

by weirdo; ; Report
Busca ayuda profesional. Bueno, creo que eso es lo obvio y "cliché" que te pueden decir, pero hay mucha razón en ello. No hay por qué aguantarlo o sobrellevarlo; es una enfermedad y se debe tratar como tal. Dejando de lado eso, vaya, supongo que sí es difícil que alguien te lea en esta web, pero al menos a una persona le va a interesar lo que escribes. ¡Ánimo!!!!!!! B-)
Gracias por el comentario :) ya tengo ayuda profesional pero igual siento que escribir aca es una buena manera de desahogat¿rme :P igual, otra vez, gracias por el comentario y por preocuparte <3
by weirdo; ; Report
De nadaaa!! ^_^
by Sandercuack; ; Report