I'm not looking for an actual answer here.
Like, okay I guess I'm gonna write about my feelings now.
It's not like I'm a boring or empty human, It just feels weird to write a public diary.
I do like to be seen and I have a deep need to be heard and not be misunderstood. Often leads to awkward oversharing and I don't wanna be seen as someone who overshares. Too late?
But it's fine on the internet since only EVERYONE can see this...
The fact that I got my understanding of how humans work out of movies isn't helping here. Cause in my head this sounds like the beginning out of those stupid 00s teenage movies and tv shows.
10s too if you add The Perks of Being a Wallflower. And that one is the definition of introverted teen writing a diary that could be heard by anyone.
Wanted to be a little more secretively on here but that's not who I am apparently.
Look! I am writing about my feelings!
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Looking forward to when you write about you’re feelings🙏
stay tuned, there's more on the way. Next I'll write about all of my trauma and I'll let Elliott Smith run in the background!
by Mr. Mandelbrot; ; Report
This shit a movie atp
by Chintoes; ; Report