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Category: Blogging

Why is spatial awareness dying…

I feel like people just sorta..stand where ever nowadays. In my experience it’s mostly men 90% of the time, and women only if they’re in a large group or something.

But come on, it’s common sense to leave doorways empty, but this dude was just STOOD by the door, trying to shove things into his bag?? Bro take a step back or a step forward and clear the way for us, why are you trapping the whole class in here.

Another instance is where these five dudes (2 dudes walking bumped into 3 dudes they know) and just stood IN THE MIDDLE of the busiest hallway of the university???? There are a bijillion cafes for you to sit down and have this reunion, NOW IS NOT THE TIME!! MOVE!! I kid you not they stood there for a good ten minutes with people squeezing to their right and to their left like?? Dude please move, this is embarrassing..

They also hover over tables they aren’t going to sit at, and stand by benches they wont sit at. I look at a library desk with three guys stood around it and I’m like “dang it, that one is taken” only for them to just move? They weren’t done with work and leaving. They APPROACHED the table, stood around it, then just kept walking.

Please, if you are a man, don’t stand in a doorway, hallway, over a desk/chair/table. Just try to be aware of your surroundings man, it’s not that hard.

I used to go to girls only schools elementary to high school and never had this problem unless its like a big (4+) group of girls, and usually they’re pretty apologetic when you point to them about it.

5 Kudos


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յ𝖘յ𝖙𝕮օ𝖑Յ🔪⛓⚰'s profile picture

Vro- today when I was leaving my fucking math class some girl started to walk through the door and as she was in THE MIDDLE OF THE DOOR SHE FUCKING TURNS AROUND WHEN ME AND SOME DUDES ARE ABOUT TO WALK THROUGH??????? Ig they just feel like big shots or some shit???

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At least she’s moving around, it’s worse when they just STAND there! You can chat about the homework with your friend in another place, MOVE.

by ziv⊹₊⟡; ; Report

Yeah fr, anohlther thing in my school is that fucking CLUSTERS OF PPL will stand in the middle of the fucking lobby, when I go with my bf to get his water bottle filled we have to fucking shove through the fucking people, its annoying

by յ𝖘յ𝖙𝕮օ𝖑Յ🔪⛓⚰; ; Report


PolarisPolanski's profile picture

I'd walk in between on purpose or hover around the tables on purpose. I like to make it awkward for everyone

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by ziv⊹₊⟡; ; Report