Hi guys I'm back!! So many new things have happened over the last few months! So I got back together with my ex and he came down to visit and in November (hopefully he gets the place in November) I will be moving in with him!! It's crazy cuz I live on the East Coast and he's in Nevada which is gonna be a crazy change for me because of the distance and time change and weather difference and everything. I am beyond excited for that I'm so glad we are not gonna be long distance anymore because long distance is a very difficult thing for me so I'm glad were able to be in person very soon. Also I got new piercings! I got Angel Fangs and oh my goodness they are a bitch to heal they hurt SO BAD! Getting them pierced didn't hurt at all it just felt like a pinch but the healing process was awful. I could barely eat anything for a month. But I also changed my hair! I dyed it blue/teal with raccoon tails on the front pieces. But yea i'm so glad I'm finally getting my life back together and I'm happier than ever!

I'm back!!
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