I want to be a vocalist in a band, but for a multitude of reasons I've gone over and thought about, and it's not realistic at all. Not for the way I envisioned things. Is anyone else in the same state where you've thought things over and realized what you want just wouldn't happen? Even when I realized it, it still took me a bit to accept it and that I'm gonna have to settle for something second to what I wanted. A very minor, basically nonexistent part of me still hopes it'd happen, I still fantasize about band life, and have pretend-concerts in my bedroom, but I've 99% just realized and accepted that it's not happening even if I want it to. Idk, I'm partly just complaining, but I do also wonder how many people also feel the same way about their own desired careers and futures

Settling because your dream isn't realistic
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yeah.. i wanted to be an artist of some kind (likely illustration) but that isnt exactly a viable career for me, especially now. ill always do it as a hobby but likely not as a job
pretty much the same
i have no idea what else i want to do for money apart from music production. i tried doing architecture but i ended up failing that horrifically and now im just sitting at home thinking about what else i could do with my life.
yeah, I know how you feel
I'd love it if I could be a writer, but even if I had become a quality writer, it's not something that can really be made into a career. So I gotta do... some other indeterminate job