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Category: Blogging


To be honest i just wanted to blog something today cause i forgot to yesterday...uhm. and actually I had one big topic to rant about but I fully  forgot what that topic was after taking my after school nap. So this is me just talking about my day kind of. Firstly I'm in a bad mood already because I had to go to school with a sore throat. and when I woke up from my nap after school it was ten times worse then before. I literally could barely move, but whatever right? I just hate sore throats, they are the second thing I hate the most.

     The first thing I hate the most is Stuffy noise's because you can barely BREATHE. Like i don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night short of breath. I would love not having to use a tissue 24/7 and a bunch of tissue rolls. It's just honestly annoying at the end of the day. Makes me wanna like punch one of my stuff animals. But i took some medicine so I kind of feel better? My throat still hurts and i probably will be forced to go to school tomorrow but aye. Atleast by the end of this week it should be gone. (If I remember to continue taking medicine or even want to)

Second topic, little relationship coded so you can click off if you SOME HOW made it this far. Though I'm glad you are enjoying my life so far(Its really not that fun). My partner is taking a break. kind of i think? I can't tell. They said they are but are online on discord. NOT THE POINT. its really making me realize how much time i just talk to them. cause I've missed them literally all day. Long distance relationships kill me. but not because I'm scared or don't trust my partner. i just wanna do cute relationship things with them

And we haven't been in a relationship for that long actually. But I just kinda attach easily you know? You don't realize how much you seriously need someone or want someone till you barely are talking to them. like ugh, and I haven't spammed their messages yet today. Before you say I shouldn't spam them. They literally said it was okay for me to do so. So you know. Anyways that's kind of all

Today wasn't very eventful. I watched steven universe. Kinda watched some stuff on manga I've never read and just chilled out. Hopefully tmr ill have more to write about. 

(Lovely how I wrote this out rather then do my creative writing work)

- Zakai!

1 Kudos


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