k so basically my friend was dating this guy and he told her he was the same age as as her but really he wasn't and I found this out when all of us were at his house and the two of them went to get food and I kinda just sat on his bed while I waited for him to get back and on his nightstand I saw his drivers license and he was only a few years older than what he said he was but it'll make sense why this was a problem. so I waited about a few days to tell my friend this because I simply just forgot but also because she was happy with this boy. but within the time of me not telling her me him and her were hanging out at my place and were all sitting on my bed but my friend had to go use the bathroom (the bathroom is upstairs and my room is in the basement.) and while she was her (ex) boyfriend kept trying to get close to me and shit and was like tryna cuddle in shit but she got back before he tried anything else. after he left I told my friend that night and after a long crying session I helped her break up with him and i swear right after this kid is dating my best friends 12 YEAR OLD SISTER. so immediatly we talked to her but she didnt seem to care? so we kinda like put ourselves in the wrong by getting someone from a diff country to scare him with his address but so we didnt get the cops called on us we kinda just called him acting like we cared and that we were sorry and then he goes "yeah well you took it too far" and then my friend just started going off on him and my fav thing she said was " still want me to choke open that shi? bcuz I cant its too small."

just a random yap/ drama sesh :] (none of this will make sense btw)
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Yea you're right none of that made sense lmao
but damn BURN