The Sandhill Crane is a large species of crane found distributed across North America and extreme Northeastern Siberia. They are easily recognized by their grey, ochre, and worn-looking plumage, and the prominent red patch on their foreheads. Sandhill Cranes are a migratory bird, forming flocks over 10,000 and flying more than 200 miles a day southeastward for the winter months.
Sandhill cranes are also social birds, generally living in pairs or small family groups. In the winter, however, large groups of up to a thousand unrelated cranes will form 'survival groups' that roost and forage together. They are mainly herbivorous, but their diet varies depending on availability. Sandhill cranes will root around for seeds, corn, wheat, berries, insects, snails, reptiles and amphibians, which are generally found within shallow vegetated wetlands or various upland areas. Consequently, they are often known to frequent bodies of water such as lakes and rivers.

Bird of Today: Sandhill Crane 9/30/24
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