i have so much stuff to do this year and im worried that im going to be this stressed out the rest of my junior year. i heard the beginning of your senior year is stressful too, but thats just because of college applications. which is admittedly terrifying but after like,,, november you dont really have to worry about anything (unless i dont get into the college i want to go to. im not gonna say what college im hoping for, cause yk privacy you never know who to trust with that info, but im planning to go get my bachelors in social work! everyone is telling me to just get my masters instead but thinking of another six years of school is enough to make me end it all so maybe ill further my education wayyy after college:33. i dont know exactly what i want to do with my degree when i do obtain it but im hoping to work with some people. i need to start working on my anxiety or some underlying issue within bc its almost unbearable for me to tak to people im not already acquaintances with just because i never know how to say what i want or what i mean. I enjoy talking to people but i cant stand thinking about the conversation i had hourss or even days ago just because i fear that i made myself look stupid you know. anyways! i have to write an entire DBQ (data based question) for my apush class. love the teacher like the material bomb the class! :) lets see what elseeee i have a ton of homework this week, i already reviewed the checklists for this week. oh but this week im seeing suicideboys !!! very excited for that :> i bought the tickets earlier this year when they first went on sale and so ive been waiting alllll yearrrr for this show. and then this weekend i have a birthday party plus possibly a thrifting event ?!?!? birthday party is a halloween type party so im dressing as donnie darko >_>! im scared ill look a little stupid but its okay maybe people will get my reference (hopefully cause the movie isnt really niche) okay i hinestly just wanted to ramble so im gonna go and write my DBQ now and explain why I believe that the era of good feelings was quite different than the name implies due to the nationalism and sectionalism plus the economic hardships! have a great day :p

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