yall I have autism and when I get yelled at I shut down and like cant move and shit like I freeze up. on sunday my parents started yelling at me for my depression room and I froze up and got scared and my dad just kept screaming and just getting louder so I got even more scared and started having a panic attack, so like any good parent would, he took off my door, took away my phone, took away my SCHOOL LAPTOP, and canceled tickets for the concert we were going to go to for my birthday in November. I also like choke under pressure and he was staring at me and yelling at me while I was trying to clean and eventually I just yelled back, which I never do cuz normally I just freeze up and cry, and he threatened to throw away all of my things. I love my life guys

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You gotta run the fade with pops atp
if only T_T
by J3TT!! <33; ; Report
Tell him he can’t even cut the lawn right
by Chintoes; ; Report