stop acting liek dressing scene is super expensive!!
D!! I!! Y!!
1 of mah fave shirtz is just a £1.50 plain black top from a charity shop wiv sum fabric paint :p
i made dis:
can even just get shirtz @ teh charity shop wiv kewl fabric designz
even if they dont fit u so u can just cut em up and sew teh fabric on
other stuff.
if u print out or draw ur design on paper n make it teh right scale u can use it as a stencil 2!! u can make ur own designz or u can make bootlegz of ur fave shirtz u c online but can't find or afford. fabric paint can b a lil bit pricey but it'z not 2 bad when it'll save u HUNDREDZ in teh long run.
a rlly opaque n wash proof white is most important. here is what i use.
it'z not uber mega cheap but I've made LOADZ of shirtz with it and a
full size jacket back patch, each using multiple coatz of dis stuff and
it'z STILL over half full. it. lastz. 4EVER.
I made dis 2!!
seriously, stop falling 4 scalperz online selling a ripped up old dropdead shirt 4 liek £300. u could probably make liek 100 of them on ur own 4 teh same price in suppliez.
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benny // whalefall
images arent showing up for me?? ty for posting this tho!!
DX hold on ill fix it in a sec (or try XD)
by xX_J4C0_J4WBR34K3R_Xx; ; Report
ok i finally figured it out XD
by xX_J4C0_J4WBR34K3R_Xx; ; Report
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
moxie excess
omg the shirt goes crazy!! the gradient looks so good :DD
:D thank !! it took sooooooooo long but so worth it X3
by xX_J4C0_J4WBR34K3R_Xx; ; Report