Been strugling with strong anxity lately
Been needing to add more medicine more drugs/gummies
That's life when you have to deal with ment illnesses
The worst part about my life is overthinking due to easly getting startled easly or not knowing who's behind me.
I like online more the reality. Knowing about the news sometimes is ok.
I don't really like makeing friends in real life.
I've also been struggling with family members mother and father issues especially my step dad. We don't get along when my mother leave. He dosnt abuse me but maybe emotionly he dose.
I'm getting back inot Journaling to help with my venting and ig problems I have with people or family. Online and dressing who I wanna be online. Kinda helps me for who I wanna be.
I'm trying to help myself MORE then others.
About that it's been going alright. I'm actually trying to make a rainbow cuff bracelets that I can maybe wear one day.
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