omg so i had to evacuate my uni due to the flooding n stuff so i wasn't able to upload pics of him!!!! but here he is!!! we are safe now thankfully, we took a huge risk driving down when things cleared up for a bit, but from what i've heard its gotten much worse in the mountains ]:

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Shack Man
Oh wow I hope yall are safe from the hurricane! I got friends in Western NC who got hit pretty hard by it, some coming back home because of it. Cool drift figure though! I got a cheap Shockwave one I like and the Lego optimus prime I have yet to build lol
thats so cool!!! i have really wanted to buy a shockwave or soundwave figure but i have had my eye on the hot rod idw model kit soo mayybbee,,,,,,
yeah western nc is so bad rn ]: hopefully things will get better soon
by Mystery; ; Report