Orpheusim is a religion based on Greek mythology, mostly based on the teachings of Dionysus and Persephone. You may be wondering what they have in common besides a dad and immortality; well I’m here to inform you that is not where their similarities end.
We all know the stories of how Dionysus was born and how Persephone was the favored daughter of her mother, but did you know they were friends? Yes they were siblings but also friends, which is why most depictions of Persephone is her being drunk. The two are also some of the few who have gone to the Underworld and returned.
Persephone spends 6 months out of the year with her husband, Hades, only to return to us for spring and summer.
Dionysus lost his wife (Adriadne) and mother (Semele) in death, to which he made them goddesses so he would never lose them again.
Both of these show us death is not the end. The Underworld, though suitable for our souls to rest in, does not have to be the end for us. We get the name Orpheusim because of the lover and muse son Orpheus. His tragic trials show the humanity and loss of going to the Underworld and how just because death is not the end for some doesn’t mean it’s not for others. Despite the heartbreaking loss Orpheus went through, he still made it out of the Underworld.
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