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Category: Games


Okay, so I love Dangaronpa, but this fandom is getting out of hand. Getting hate just for liking certain characters and even DEATH THREATS? I was scrolling on TikTok and saw someone who didn't like Kaede. Which is okay, people are intitled to their opinions. I figured people would hate, so I went to check out their profile... only to find out that they got DOXXED on discord. Like what the heck..? Just because someone doesn't like a character you like doesn't mean you should DOX them. I personally don't like Kaede and I shouldn't be scared to share my opinion.

The cosplayers in this fandom are literally insane. Like I'm not going to say users, but a Mikan cosplayer literally put a PAD on their wig... I'm in the cosplay community and that's embarassing. ANOTHER Mikan cosplayer literally killed someone just for her cosplay. She then went on to act like nothing happened. This is honestly really concerning. 

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lesbian kirimi

lesbian kirimi's profile picture

bro just learned about fandom culture. this has been happening for years dude. voltron, steven universe, undertale, and especially danganronpa. wait till u hear abt the nagito kin who pretended to cut their own finger off on video. ts just how the internet behaves

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also!! if ur talkng abt snowthesaltqueen (mikan cosplayer who killed someone) the partner of the victim spoke out about it. they were all friends and it was a horrible freak accident, and theyve asked ppl to stop spreading that snow killed them on purpose /nm

by lesbian kirimi; ; Report