I have a whole combo of psychological illnesses related to communication and I have been very antisocial since childhood. But recently I came across a very interesting (in my opinion) person and really want to get to know him, but what should I write??? How do I get started??? Just a "hello"??? This person still has a lot of friends and I'm not sure if he wants to communicate with me at all or just ignore me...
+ I'm not very good at writing English as it's not my native language. Maybe she thinks I'm... Well not very smart, idk... I'm scared
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Chaos Conspiracies
u can start by saying hey. How are you? if they have a profile on here u can read it to see if you have similar interests & possibly discuss it
It just seems pretty corny to me. I also met a lot of people who didn't want to get acquainted with the banal "hello, how are you?" and they considered it a cringe. The second one looks strange. "Hi, let's talk about ****?", won't I look weird?
by Halva_Zer0; ; Report
who aint werid anymore … dats all i get on here is simple hi or hows u stuff
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report