I effing h8 KFC…T_T

So a lot has happened since my last entry, but yeah

I finally got a job at…(drumroll)

DING DING DING kfc!!!! (Insert stock audio cheer)  I make twelve bucks an hour, and get pretty decent paychecks. The only downside is the fact I’m currently in the front counter position which SUCKS!1!1!

Firstly, grown ass customers wipe their dirty ass hands all over the tables instead of getting up and grabbing napkins. I dread families coming in bcuz ik they aren’t gonna pick up SHIT. What happened to common courtesy of picking up after yourselves??? Whatevs.

Secondly, the bathrooms.

Oh good god, the BATHROOMS.

The women’s restroom isn’t so bad, but it makes me feel nauseous in a “blackout drunk and walking back home only to stop at the closest restaurant to puke in the toilet and pass out on their cold tiled floor as the fluorescents hum above me and I get nudged awake by an employee with a broom” vibe. The men’s restroom on the other hand….it feels like the ones you see in the action movies where the main character runs off to the hookah restroom that’s covered in graffiti and practically falling apart. I was on my hands and KNEES scrubbing the fuck out of the toilet and making it shiny just for it to be ruined by a brown shower the next day. I wish I was joking. It’s so gross. I even have to mop up piss off the floor because someone decided to aim for the floor drain instead of the urinal (a foot away from the drain mind you).

Now that you have an idea of how “amazing” my environment is there, lemme tell you about today’s subject; DoorDash customers.

Today, we had an order come in an hour before closing for a family meal for customer A. We were all out of chicken on the bone and weren’t dropping any more tonight, so we waited for the driver to come. When they arrived, we let them know and asked if they could contact customer A and see if they’d like to replace it. Of course, they were adamant and refused to accept our offer of replacing it with something else and insisted we got them the chicken. 

Like huh??? No??? We’re almost closed???

So we gave the dasher the number for customer support so they could get a refund, but customer A hung up when their dasher tried to give it to them. 

A little later, customer A called the store and asked for the chicken, to which I had told her we couldn’t do and why we couldn’t do it. She hung up, and I thought that was that but NOOOO





……guys. If we say we don’t have something, please just fucking listen or accept whatever we’re offering. If you don’t want to, just take the fucking refund. Your not gonna get anything by acting that way especially as an adult…

Might switch to dish pit or something since I hate people anyways and would much rather chill in the back without having to worry about getting yelled at or lashed at with violence because I happen to be the first worker people see (beaming).

Anyways, see yall some other time. It’s 11:48pm and I have a shit ton of work to do for school. Did I mention I’m a junior now??? Yeah, not very fun unfortunately.

~AE ☆

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zombae💋's profile picture

sounds like hell lol

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It quite literally is (╥_╥)

by Axton Ecstasy; ; Report