hey guys!
a lot happened this week, and im excited to share!
earlier this week, i bought a little car that i love :) shes a little black hyundai and ive named her delilah. its so nice to go where i want now, and much more convenient for work! over the weekdays, i watched "Looks that Kill" and "Happy Go Lucky", i didnt enjoy the first movie much, but it was much more serious than i thought it would be. the second movie was really cute and i enjoyed watching it a lot.
now for emo night! i went to this cafe/bar place that was holding an event for "emo night", two bands played, and then they played some p!atd, mcr, and fob songs! (and others ofc) it was lots of fun and i loved making new friends and hanging out with my girlfriend. although my whole body is sore from the mosh pit haha. my proudest moment was starting a mosh to "call me maybe" lol.
the next morning (this morning) i took my girlfriend out to breakfast and then brought her home before i went to work. i got sicker as the night went on, unfortunately. im hoping to feel better this week, as ive already been sick for a week and a half..
wish me luck.
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Alexonfire 🦇
(i'm a month late but) congrats on the new car that's awesome!!
and OMG emo night sounds so fun, i wanna do that one day
thank uu!! and omg yes it was amazing i cant wait to go to another one T_T
by julez; ; Report