HIIIIIIII it's me again, hows your day going?
so this is just a update on my life!! I've been losing motivation to write in my diary so instead I'm writing to the people of the internet!
So I've been doing school stuff for about a month and some weeks and its absolutely shitty in the best way. I've met some new friends along with getting to know some new ones.
plus there is plenty of drama to yap about as well
to start my ex has been trying to become friends with me again and he is going around to my friends and attempting to play dumb and try to get them to convince me to be with him again
(for reference he had no real interest in me and was talking shit about me all last year. when I confronted him about it he tried to blame it on me not helping him in class with his schoolwork).
Ive already told everyone who comes up to me abt him that I want nothing to do with him and hope nothing but the worst for him.
Moving past that my friend M started dating each other and they are in a relationship with A but there is this girl Mo whos jealous that there together so shes going around and talking shit about M. Its totally weird and A doesn't even like let alone know Mo so even if she is successful she won't end up with him ever.
I'm also in theater rn were doing a play based on Elvis Pressly at first I wanted to be the main character Conrad Birdie or a side character like Mr Peaterson but instead I got a background character. I was kinda sad at first but now that im riddled with schoolwork and can barely decide what to wear for school in the morning im more than happy that I only gotta memorize 4 songs instead of the entire playlist though staying after school every that until 6 has me at a standstill with no time on my hands to do any of my hobbies!!
My Tamagotchi has died 4 times already so I attached it to my phone and I've actually been taking good care of them! though it is tiring haveing to farm for coins to keep them well-fed and entertained (im NEVER haveing kids when I grow up!!!). Ok im getting kinda tired now and its almost 10 pm I'm gonna upload some outfit photos tomorrow
later! ttyl <3
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