i have been violently coughing for a month straight. i don't know why, i have never had a cough for this long. one time i coughed so hard i through up out of my nose, and last night i almost threw up again. sometimes i'll cough so much it gives me headaches, and sometimes it turns into full body aches. what the fuck. why me. the 4 other people in the house were sick last month, and i seemed to be the last one to catch it, but im not even "sick" anymore and im JUST coughing.
there's only so much cough medicine i can use before i can't keep buying more, and im currently out. so im resorting to warm tea now. it hasn't gotten better since it started, im starting to think i should get it checked out, but i'll break a rib before i have to pay for a doctor's visit.
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I'm the kind of a person who avoids the doctor visits too but trust me,this one problem NEEDS to get checked out.There's definitely something wrong if it's so intense and lasts for such a long time,so i think that it's better not to ignore the situation.
Get well soon.♡
i want to but it's not killing me yet so it's not worth it yet
by vesper !!; ; Report
Well,i meannn...who knows?Could be something affecting the lungs.👀
by ⚝Watcher⚝; ; Report
i remain in blissful ignorance :3
by vesper !!; ; Report