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Category: Life

I don't get how people can't take criticism

I honestly don't know how there's people out there who can't take any criticism on anything they do whatsoever. Referring to actual constructive criticism, not people making dumb or rude comments in regards to what they make. Like for example, I do art right, and I always welcome constructive criticism, stuff like "when you draw you should do [x]" or "[x] doesn't look right, should fix that" helps me immensely and I always appreciate getting it, but there's some people who get constructive criticism and see it as being like "this is dumb and so are you" and proceed to get angry at them. Like how? I honestly don't get how there's people who see that as an attack on them, especially for things people put on the internet, seen so many creators who will flip out over any sort of criticism they get which just makes em look like a manchild. I get that it may sting a bit to not have people think what you do is as great as you think it is, but grow a pair and/or thicker skin. Plus it's good to grow at whatever it is you do, especially so you can look back and be like "yeah that could've been better" and feel good at how much you've improved.

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I think maybe it is because their self worth is very tied into the approval they feel for their creative work, and maybe they are insecure, too, so they get very defensive when they feel their positive self image being challenged in this way.

I think if someone is insecure, the best way to give them constructive criticism is to first tell them what you like about their work, and follow it up with suggestions, and word the suggestions in ways that clearly show how by doing those things they can do better at the things that you have praised. Its very kind of manipulative, but then again, it is pandering to insecurities, though with the intention of helping someone grow creatively, despite their personal issues, which are the true things that are none of our concern.

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a compliment sandwich!! it's a good technique, which let's them know both sides of the double edged sword that is your opinion on their work!

by ethan (taylor's version); ; Report