Y'all university is not for the weak... I'm so sick of doing 6+ hours of homework every single day, but that's about the bare minimum I need to pass my classes at this point. Anyone else feel like this time of the year is just the worst! My classes are just starting to really pile on the assignments and it's getting hard to keep up. sigh :(
Anyways just needed to rant! Getting a computer science degree is so hard, but gonna be worth it. I'm interested in what other people on this site are studying? :)
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electrical and computer engineering ! (graduated)
good luck oomfie i went through that as well and survived =w=. i got used to it because i was bad at my homework and the hours would just fly by while i did my best to solve them :D... best of luck with the school year... ! ! !
omg ty :))) I appreciate the solidarity so much... homework thing is so real i will stare at a problem for an hour before i solve it... but we persevere
by amelia !!; ; Report