Hey everybody, I remembered spacehey was a thing so here I am blogging again. Over the past few weeks, school has resumed and I'm interacting with people outside of my family on a regular basis again. It isn't challenging to do or anything, I enjoy talking and interacting with my peers but it doesn't seem like it affects me in any extremely noticeable way. I'm basically functioning the same as if I was just hanging out in my house by my self/occasionally hanging out with my brother. Lots of people say that if you don't have a good circle of friends it can make you depressed and whatnot, but me having that or not having that doesn't make much of a difference. I think this might be because I spend a lot of time thinking about things in my head regardless of if I have friends or not, so them being there isn't paramount to my mental state/mental health. That being said, friends are great! We are social creatures after all.

Social differences
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