Hey y'all I know I just started SpaceHey and so far I fucking LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! The only problem is that....where is everybody? Someone actually pointed this out and I agree with that person that spacehey's beeen a bit dead lately (shout out to that person.) I wanna know more how I can get you know more involved and find everyone. Can someone give me some pointers? -
Signed, McPhink.
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Adding to the other comment there is also the blog tab when you can see the most recent post by people! That's were I usually look for people to add (and how I found your post XD)
Chaos Conspiracies
hai welcome
if ur refering 2 finding ppl u can lok at the browse at the top theres a option 2 check whos online u can add
by mcki_mckphink; ; Report