Today I went to Goodwill and a local thrift shop in my town and I found a shirt and the ENTIRE TWILIGHT MOVIE COLLECTION. I found a nice gray quarter button shirt at goodwill then I went over to the CDs and DVDs to see if I could find any good CDs for my car and as a joke I started looking for the twilight movies to feed into my little phase rn and I found Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 1 UNOPENED. I sadly couldn't find any good CDs for my car, but then I went to a local thrift store to look for more CDs and the rest of the twilight movies, I didn't think I'd find them then I looked through the two sections where they have DVDs and I found Twilight, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn Part 2 (which was Blu Ray but it came with a digital version too so we good) and all they had was vinyls so no good CDs but I GOT THE WHOLE TWILIGHT SAGA. And last night I cut my hair and stayed it after Alice Cullen / Ruby Gloom!!

Thrifting findss
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Shack Man
Finding good deals on DVD's/Blu-Ray's is so fun fr
It is tho I got all 5 movies for about $10
by Toast <3; ; Report