beginning of college update

some of this i posted as a bulletin but i did add on to this as well so there's a bit more stuff 

ok so as some of u might know i was planning on moving pretty far and going to college and well i've already done it 

i'll have been here for a little over a week now

it's been pretty cool and fun

i love my roommates we all get along very well and have fun talking to each other and stuff

i'm really glad i got good roommates because i've heard some horror stories from some other people about theirs so i think i got pretty lucky

i had orientation from last friday to last sunday and wow i walked like so much like basically 20k steps each day

but i met some cool people 

my groups had a good amount of people that are in arts related majors which is cool because i haven't really met many people going to my school for artsy type stuff yet so it's good to at least have a few yk

i think i also got lucky with a good orientation group because i heard that most people's groups sorta started falling apart and not showing up like right away 

some of the people in my group left like right away but the ones that stayed were cool and enjoyable to talk to so that's nice

my classes only started this last wednesday so it's a bit hard to judge them yet but they've been nice so far as i can tell at this point

my dorm is a lot better than i thought it would be like 

idk why but i was like sorta just expecting the worst of everything so it made my expectations get beat which i guess is good yk

like our mini fridge is bigger than i thought plus there's a freezer section and a microwave 

the wardrobe ended up fitting more hangers than i thought it would 

and the bathrooms are pretty nice despite them being communal

plus my room is right next to the bathrooms which means i hardly have to walk much to get there and u can't hear anything through the wall which is good cause i was a little bit concerned about that 

i was literally so stressed because i thought i had brought like way too much stuff but i only had to send my parents back with one basket that i couldn't put to use which was like such a relief

but i do sorta look like a maximalist compared to my roommates which is fine  but it just makes me laugh a little for some reason

but one of my roommates is from hawaii so it's not like she could have brought much with her on the plane so who knows she may have decorated more if she had been able to

also, that roommate who is from hawaii, and i found out that we actually have the same birthday which is like a crazy coincidence especially since most first years were born in 2006 but we were both born in 2005 on the exact same date 

so now our other roommate has jokingly said she feels left out not having the same birthday as us

it was a pretty funny moment

and yeah we try and stay fit by getting 10k steps a day at minimum and then since we're on the 4th floor we try and take the stairs once a day at minimum as well

i'm on the top bunk which has been an adjustment especially because with my mattress topper the guardrails are so low that they aren't even guarding me from rolling off at all

plus i had to request maintenance to put a ladder on the bunk bed because u can like technically climb the side of the bed since there are slats of wood to use as a ladder but we have one of the wardrobes on the wall next to the bed so it blocks a lot of the side

so i had to climb on this skinny little area of the side of the bed to get up and down which was scary and not fun like at all

so yeah i requested for them to add a normal ladder onto the front which they did but the ladder literally only hooks onto the top part so if i'm on the ladder and lean forward to grab something the bottom moves out which is like super scary

also, the steps on the ladder are like slanted downward which makes it really hard for me to get down without slipping so i still have to use the skinny side to get down but at least getting up is easier  

luckily i haven't fallen but it's pretty scary especially because i'm used to having a bigger bed than this so who knows maybe one day i'm done for

i really like my campus because despite its large size everything's pretty closely connected

like at this point a half-mile walk/ 15-20 minute walk sounds like a totally manageable thing since i do that like just to get to class

before i would definitely have been dead on the floor

also, the food has been better than i expected as well

sometimes the meat is dry but all of their vegetarian options are like super good to make up for that 

like i don't think i've eaten this much tofu before but they make it in so many different ways that are literally great

the rice can sometimes be pretty dry too though which like doesn't even make sense to me like fix ur rice to water ratio pls people

it's pretty sad when i open up the find my app on my phone and see my family and friends so far away but it's also been really cool here

so i just make sure to talk to them all instead

i'm real excited for fall to fully come in because it has been like way too hot and i do not like that one bit 

i can tell that my mom especially misses me which makes me feel kinda bad but there's not really anything that can be done now except call her everyday which i have been doing don't even worry 

but yeah college has been going pretty great so far and i'm glad i get to share this with u all especially if you've been reading since when i was still deciding what to do and where to apply and eventually where to commit to

so sorry for the super long update but i just wanted to say how things have been going for me because idk if i'm gonna be able to be on here much because i've heard that the quarter system is brutal and i really want to do well in my classes 

2 Kudos


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meow:3's profile picture

Im so happy to hear your first week at college went well! I go off to college next year and im kind of excited/nervous about it. Hows the food there?

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wow super late reply sorry but it's actually pretty good for the most part

there's always a good amount of options but if nothing really sticks out to me there's always a fresh salad bar and panini press's to have a warm sandwich

if anything i'd say the breakfast can get repetitive but there's really only so much you can do with breakfast anyway

by casper**; ; Report