So I guess getting a tattoo at what people would consider a young age, makes you cool. I say this because, before I got my tattoo in the beginning of my semester a girl I used to be really close with shared a class with me. And at the end of the day I saw her and excitedly said hi and mentioned our class. She looked at me nonchalantly and said "yeah." I was expecting way more of a reaction so it was hella awkward. From then on she ignored me everyday and I did the same. But the one day I go to class after getting my tattoo, I take off my jacket and from behind me she goes " You got a tattoo?" Trying my hardest not to be rude I say "yeah." She and her friend ask to see it and then I turn back around. I still listen as she goes "Funny thing is I've known them for forever." Pardon!? You stopped talking to me! Now you say we know each other. right. sure.

tattoos make you cool??
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Tattoos do make people cool in some way and add a charm — you basically agree and is bold enough to wear something for a long time if not forever.But you shouldn't be making that your whole personality or choose people to be friends with judging by whether they have tattoos or not,something that this lady clearly overlooked.Seems like she wasn't worth to be talked to anyway.(^~^;)ゞ
Also,would you mind to tell what you've got tattooed?👀
by ⚝Watcher⚝; ; Report