hiaa gamerrsss theres a lot 2 talk bout 2day since a lot of stuff happened,, first of all sum stuffs janky cause the order of the images got messed up :P anyways my friend got a crush on regien

wooah wonder wuts gona happen :00

noooo!! dont do it again noooo....ahhh sure

oh... well erm it cant get worse right??....

regien you just let down my friend wut do u want.


anyways, after this i tried 2 make my friend happy but i erm.. i acidentally soft locked the game.... soooooo i tried t get my friend w regien again!!

n it worked!! (ofc he get with them after they got him something...) n then not even a minute l8r they got in a fight.

my friend apolagized likt the amazing person they r but THIS LOOOOOOOOSSSSSEERRRRRRR REGIEN DIDNT TAKE THE APOLAGY THIS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! ... ugh, anyways then he had the NERVE to ask me whthr they should break up n i tolf him no!! so they made up

THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED FROM THE START!! MAYBE GET UR HEAD OUT OF UR ARSE !!!! GUHH!!!! bleh... anyways hace sum marcille falling in luve with my friend, harry n then not even a minut l8r try n play match maker in a day

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