I went to the rob zombie and Alice cooper concert. filter wasn't there but ministry was and so were rob zombie and Alice cooper, but it was fun and I loved every second of it. My mom asked me to make a Christmas list so I did and all of it was scene/punk clothes lol, recently figured out im lesbian. I always thought that girls were just pretty but no I was always attracted to them. anyways, yesterday i went to my marching band contest and got to march, last year I couldnt because of my spinal issues, but I did mess up a bit but not that much, I got all of what we learned down and it also was really fun! just thought Id update yall only b/c i rarely go on here anymore, oh and also MY GRADES AREW GOOD! i have c's, b's, and a's! im passing all my classes and ive been forcing myself to do homework if I dont get something done in class. but im doing good, my mental health has been awesome, my friends actually are good frineds, and ive been confident in my own body. also since were talking about this if anyone is struggling my dms are always open, im here to talk if anyone need it.

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