9th Grade Doesn't Make Any Sense Right Now...

Ok, I get it, 9th grade is supposed to be the easiest year in highschool. But right now I can't make any sense from it!

Picture this: You have just gotten out of a very tough year that made you work so hard everyday by just solving multiple choice questions and trying to not fail any classes while being emotionally unstable. You had went to courses all weekend from dusk till dawn because you need to get nudged a bit to study more. Then, your whole effort goes to waste and you want to at least have a less tiring year where life is less strict because you will not be studying for a great exam. 

But all of a sudden your parents start restricting you even more and the teachers starting to talk about "you are going to be an adult in 4 years and you need to decide on a job right now so you can work on it whether you like it or not". 

I litterally just came out of summer break. What are you doing.

Now, I thought going to highschool would be this impressive, groundbreaking thing. I think it might be because it is because you actually become responsible for your own stuff and whatever you do you can deal with yourself. WHY are my parents making me go to bed at 11 PM? WHY is my phone getting taken away??? "Oh my god you cannot understand your lessons because you sleep so late and look at that phone constantly!11!!"

I finished middle school in second place by getting a total score of 99.76 out of 100 and solved national tests with %100 accuracy 3 times, mom. I think I am doing completely fine.

I'm not even going to start on the fact that I'm supposed to pick a job right now. What do I want to be you might ask? My heart says be a cartoon maker and animator, but the constant shouting and whining of my brain is trying to tell me that if I choose that career I will be a homeless and broke person. Let's go with artificial intelligence engineering then. What an artistic related career!

I would also like to talk about why we have three science classes now like one wasn't enough. Don't get me wrong, science is amazing and really great. It's just not for me I guess. I have not understood one thing from either physics, biology and chemistry while my class is having talks about which one they like the most. I like NONE!! I only want to have art classes and English classes pretty please! 

And, to be honest, my class HATES English lessons and they try to sabotage it a lot. Now we have a native Welsh teacher and a teacher that had been in lots of places and had been teaching soilders English for about 20 years, and both of them like to squeeze in some life lesson stories in the middle, which makes it more enjoyable. But tell me why that I now have my English level near C2 and the classmate that has been in the same school as me since kindergarten (which keep in mind, we have been taking English since kindergarten) is still A1?? Now visualize that there are like 10 more of those kids in class (my class has 13 people in it). Maybe I am the odd one out???

I guess I typed too much here, but yall get yall get my point, right? I just want to lay in bed with the cold breeze that is coming from my window like the good ol' times I didn't have to bother with these stuff. Off I go to finish all my homework, I guess. 

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