My Hero Acedemia Barf

My favorite character off all time is Aizawa Shouta, not only because he is the greatest teacher and wouldve done anything to protect his students from villains while their still in highschool, but also because of the way he fights. Without his quirk he would still be one of the best fighter in the whole show just because he learned how to use the lack of offensive quirk to his advantage. 

And all his quirk does is even the playing field of the person he's fighting/training with. He's also not huge and buff like all might in his big form so if you saw him on the street you would have no idea he was so strong and such a good fighter. And don't even get me started on how underground heros work.

I think that they have the best morals in the whole show, they became heros only to save people who couldn't have themselves, sure they don't usually help I big disaster situations but they save victems that have given up on being rescued. And I think if Deku would have been mentored by Aizawa instead of all might he could've also made a great underground hero. Maybe not at the strength he is in the show, and maybe he couldn't be a limelight hero quirk less, but he could've been so good at underground work.

Izuku has the best morals I've ever seen, he's so passionate about saving everyone who needs help even if they don't want it. Like his relationship with Bakugou. This man tormented him for so long after being the closest friends, and Izuku still wanted to save him and be his friend. And it must have been so sucky for Izuku to see him and Kirishima getting close through the show when he's been trying for so long.

And Katsukis behaviour is not 100% his fault, more like 70% his fault. His mom is as volatile as he is, and I cant imagine she ever taught him emotional regularity like he so desperately needed. In magority of the scenes with his mom, expesially in the earlier season, all we see is them fighting and/or his mom hitting him. Like seriously?? In the scene where Mitsuki finally sees Katsuki the first thing she does is hit him? Like I don't think shes a horrible mother, and I know she loves Bakugou, but she seriously sucked to him in so many situations. I think she should've defiantly gotten Bakugou some therapy in at least middle school.

And why did people stop talking about kirishima?? He already had so many insecurities from his middle school life as well and everyone decided to just overlook it? At least there was mina who knew him in middle school and helped with bullies, but seriously? No one took a look at a bubbly insecure rock and thought to give him therapy as well?

Honestly, all the characters needed therapy. Also why cant Hagakure wear clothes?? Like her hero costume was ONLY Gloves and shoes. I know no one can see her but come on at least make her a costume using her DNA like Mirio so she doesn't freeze her tits off! And I think Hagakure would've made an AMAZING hero, like don't get me wrong I love her, but honey shouldve become an underground hero like Aizawa. Like her quirk was PERFECT for it, and she shouldve been mentroed by aizawa like Shinsou was.

And omg shinsou, He was literally so powerful but we didnt get to see him fight in the final big war of Mha and I say we missed out. I don't know much about his past but if he disliked Izuku so much at first because of his quirk I can only assume it was much ike Izuku's was. I read a fanfiction centered around shinsou training his quirk so much he is able to access the connection between both their minds and because of that able to read their thoughts and I think that should've been in the show. Like their are so many ways for shinsou to make his quirk get more powerful but they didn't delve deep enough on it! A spin off centered around shinsou would've been so freaken cool. Or centered around Aizawas time at UA.

And back to Aizawa, the past between Kurogiri and Oboro was so crazy and unexpected to me. The scene where they have Kurogiri captured and Aizawa and Mic are crying trying to save him was so sad! I almsot cried during that scene.

Okay that's all I wanted to say for now, I might make a Part 2.

0 Kudos


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