Halloween draws near...

Darkness is becoming ever longer.

Cold winds, that chill your skin, blow away the same leaves that had shielded people from the heat of summer.

Rain clouds, dark and proud, threaten to wet both walker and worker, and ease the burdens of nature.

And in the distance, we can start to smell the fireplaces, refuges of firewood and stone.

The bright orange color of the pumpkins, soon to be carved into dastardly Jacks, reminds you of the times.

The colors all shift, the emotions do too. Where once we felt hurried to get in shade, or to grab a cold glass of water, we can now linger. Crunch leaves, watch the rain strike windows and sidewalks.


It's a shame i don't have the energy to be back here. I love this site, despite anything.
Please, from me to you, have a good Autumn, and a happy Halloween.
Stay safe of the colds and flus.

2 Kudos


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