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Category: Games

my opinions on class of 09; the flipside

these are all my opinions!!!!

Honestly, I think "Class of '09: The Flipside" wasn’t a bad game at all. Yeah, the foot fetish ending was super weird, and the choices were kinda limited. But you have to remember it’s all from Jecka’s point of view. She takes life way more seriously, while in the original and the re-up, we see things through Nicole’s eyes, who doesn’t take stuff as seriously.

Jecka and Nicole definitely see the world differently: Nicole’s perspective is lighter and funnier (not that it isn’t also dark, since she did try to end her life a bunch of times), while Jecka’s is just way more somber. I actually think the fewer options suit Jecka’s character, showing how restricted her life is compared to Nicole’s. I’d love to hear what you think, but please respect my opinion!

4 Kudos


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