I haven’t made a blog on here in months so idk what I’m doing lol BUT the craziest thing happened to me last week! Me and my dad went to a decendents and circle jerks concert and it was so insane. First of all we ended up getting right up front at the bar in the MIDDLE of the stage so we basically had the best spot we could get. Then circle jerks played and of course they were amazing. The singer Keith morris was also really funny. But then the crazy part happened. After they played the stage manager (at least I think that’s who he was I don’t really remember lol) came down in between the stage and the audience and he came up to me and gave me one of Joey’s drum sticks and the guitar picks?! He said he liked my shirt (it was a homemade circle jerks shirt) and then left and I was SHOCKED. Normally stuff like this never happens to me so I was so excited. But then it got even crazier cuz he came back and gave me a BACKSTAGE PASS. (It’s called a pass cuz I was about to pass away from excitement) he told me to have fun but not to annoy anyone lol. Then decendents played and they were really great. I’m not as big of a fan of them but they’re REALLY good at performing live. I might have to start listening to their live recordings instead cuz honestly I think they’re better live than in the studio recordings. After that we got to go backstage. I was gonna see if anyone would sign my shirt but most of the band members had already gone into their tour busses. We got to say hi to earl liberty, Milo, and zander though and we talked to the opening band Surfbort. They were very nice people. It was probably the most exciting night of my life. so yeah that’s my exciting story lol

The craziest thing happened to me!
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