does anyone have any recommendations on how I can help my puppy? (She's not rlly a puppy but she's my child. One of the reasons I'm still alive.) She's two years old, 30 pounds. The cutest blue heeler. But last night she began v0miting. It almost seemed violent.. There are about four stains the size of my foot in my room. I'm extremely worried.. My mom thinks she just chewed up something she wasn't supposed to (there's these red plastic chunks in the puk3.) But even then I'm still scared shitless. Something's wrong. We tried giving her a pepcid, as they're dog-friendly. (medicine to help ur stomach) But she wouldn't eat it. My mom says if she's still vomiting by Monday we'll take her to the vet, but that just upsets me. Like, is her not puking every four hours concerning to you? Can someone please help or give me advice on what to do..I'm very worried.ย
Update - she vomited again last night, this is about the 7th or 8th time since yesterday night. As I was picking up the vomit throughout the day(s), it looked like there were bits of carpet in it. In more vomit, there were pink/reddish plastic chunks in it. I'm just so confused because usually that kind of stuff comes out when she poops. But then again she hasn't pooped since like yesterday morning. But even then I don't know how long that poop had been sitting there. (we have dog pads in our house instead of taking her outside bc our fence is still destroyed from Hurricane beryl) we're taking her to the vet later today for x-rays, I just hope it's nothing bad...
Update #2 : we took her to an emergency hospital, they ran tests and x-rays. Apparently there's an object stuck in her stomach. Somewhere in there, and it isn't passing through. She's very dehydrated, lacking fluids...she's gonna need some sort of "exploration surgery/procedure." whatever that means..right now we're driving to a farther hospital that can do an ultrasound to see how bad it is. It's about an hour away. I'll post updates when I get there and what they say.ย
Update #4 : at the emergency hospital, they tried pressing down on her abdomen and she kept squirming. That was enough for them to go straight to surgery. So now, we're going home without her. She's most likely in surgery right now. My head hurts, I've cried so much. I'll post if she made it. Or not, I shouldn't make it seem like I'm using my dogs problem for attention. I'm genuinely not, I'm just keeping like a public diary..
Update #5 : SHE MADE IT OUT OF SURGERY!! X-Rays showed that she swallowed an object that got stuck.
it was lodged between her stomach and small intestine. "what was stuck?" Well it was a variety of things.. It was like a ball, the surgeon said. Yellow, purple, pink, blue, and other color plastics, even a bit of carpet too. The way it was positioned, there would be no way she could physically get that out on her own. So since some of said material traveled down her intestine, they had to cut out about two feet of it. (Two rulers) but dogs have a LOT o intestine, so it won't be a problem in the future, I hope. She had an abdominal exploratory surgery happen. The surgeon only did this surgery because of her age. (2 yrs) with older dogs, (4-6 yrs) they usually tell the owners to put the dog down. "Why?" Because of how complicated said surgery is as the dog gets older. They DID cut a little close to the pancreas though. That's fine, nothing went wrong, I think they're just monitoring her because of that. She ate a little bit, and the doctors took her for a walk. That's a GREAT sign. Before surgery, she would be as still as possible. We set her down on the ground after taking tests and she stated in place until we left. It broke my heart. But now that she's out of surgery, she seems great. She might not be comfortable there, as it's a new environment, but she'll be home soon. You'll be home very soon lilah, I promise baby. <33 posting an update once we get more news:)
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freakazoid ๐พ
I update this blog as news roll in so ur not concerned or anything! I'll be posting updates every time I get news, until she comes home.
If it's chunks than it's probably not a blockage
Yeah, but then again she hasn't pooped in a while..she did poop today, but it wasn't a lot. I won't go into description but it wasn't a lot compared to her usual poop. She may be constipated, idk.
by freakazoid ๐พ; ; Report
Chaos Conspiracies
honestly its best goin for a vet cuz vomiting can be many reasons & its better to know den not go at all it says if they ate sumthing foreign itll clear in couple days but vets know best
Yeahh, I'm just confused because the items in her vomit usually come out in her poop, if she eats them. We're taking her today to the vet for x-rays.
by freakazoid ๐พ; ; Report