Hey Guys! Today I wanna talk about what happened to me on Friday at school. So It was a normal Friday, Vocabulary test in history class, Watching project videos in Science, Taking a grammar test in English, and taking a Short test in math class. I went to lunch with my one friend after those 4 periods. We were very excited to see our friend at P.E. because she went to a different school, and we always went to the park on Fridays. So after lunch, and then free time, we all went to the locker rooms only to be told to get our clothes out of the lockers so we could wash our clothes. And everyone was furious because we all wanted to go. So during study hall, my P.E. teacher told us that the reason we did't go to the park was because the substitute for the other teacher simply "didn't feel like it." No one was happy. We usually are happy with study hall on any day but Friday.

Bad Friday >:(
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