1t envel0ps every th0ught, dr0wn1ng y0ur m1nd and suff0cat1ng anyth1ng else. l1ke y0u're dy1ng and all y0u can f0cus on 1s 0ne th1ng. dr0wn1ng 100 feet under the t0p of the surface, water all ar0und y0u w1th n0th1ng yet everyth1ng. s1lence 1n y0ur ears that 1s s0 l0ud, scream1ng 1n the m1ddle 0f a m0sh p1t. stand1ng 1n the m1ddle 0f a f1eld at m1dn1ght, tall p1eces 0f grass y0u are stand1ng 0n but n0t t0uch1ng. never t0uch1ng fr0m at0ms. s0 t1ny y0u cant see them. t00 t1ny t0 n0t1ce them, unt1l s0me0ne tells y0u. w1nd bl0w1ng y0ur eyelashes but y0u can 0nly hear grassh0ppers and 0wls. d0 eyelashes even kn0ck 0n the d00r of y0ur tra1n 0f th0ught? n0.
-Love, Kaytee
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