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Category: Pets and Animals

Bird of Today: Pied Currawong 9/28/24

The Pied Currawong is one of three Currawong Species native to the wet and dry forests, rural areas, and semi-urban environments of Eastern Australia and Lord Howe Island. They are robust, crow-like passerine birds that are recognized by their sleek black and white plumage, yellow irises and gape, and prominent bills. Pied Currawongs dwell and hunt mostly within the trees, though they may hunt both in the air and on the ground. They are omnivorous, foraging and opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide range of food depending on the time of year. They may eat Fruit, Berries, Insects, Juvenile Birds and Eggs, Scraps, Rubbish, Mice, Carrion and even smallish adult birds.

Pied Currawongs are most commonly seen solitarily or in small groups, flocks of fifty or more birds may form within the Autumn and Winter months. Generally, they are sedentary, though higher altitude populations are known to relocate to lower areas for the winter.

Here is A Pied Currawong's call

Extra Black Currawong call!

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